Many men are convinced that they can become fathers at any time. But it turns out that the biological clock of the stronger sex is also ticking. Numerous medical studies prove that future fathers have a favorable age for conceiving a child. And late fatherhood can ruin the life of not only children, but also grandchildren.
Desirable – up to 45
It is generally accepted that the mother is responsible for the future health of the child. But in 2019, a team of scientists led by Gloria Bachmann from the Institute of Health (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA) once again proved that the age of the father affects the health of the child no less.
Researchers over 10 years observed 40 million children born to fathers of different age groups. The nature of the course of pregnancy was also taken into account. It turned out that the older the father was, the more often the mother developed preeclampsia in the process of carrying a child – a complication with a sharp increase in pressure. In addition, the risk of gestational diabetes and the danger of giving birth before term increased.
In 2018, a group of Californian scientists (Stanford University, USA) found that babies of fathers older than 45 were 14% more likely to be born with a lack of weight and ended up in intensive care.
Scientists came to the conclusion that in couples where a man is older than 45, even the youth of the mother did not save from health problems in the offspring. American doctors failed to establish the true reasons for such a strong influence of the father’s age on the health of the child. Most likely, this is due to a decrease in the quality of sperm.
Under 40 and sober – good
A group of doctors from Georgetown University (Washington, USA) believes that it is important for a man to conceive a child before 40. The head of the study, biochemist, specialist in the field of molecular and cellular biology I. Kitlinska emphasized that the health of the unborn child is influenced by nutrition and hormonal lifestyle. and psychological state equally of both mother and father.
Everything affects the genes – from what the future parent eats to what air he breathes. It is important that the negative consequences of late fatherhood, according to Ioann Kitlinsk, are passed down through generations and make life difficult not only for children, but also for grandchildren.
John Kitlinska said that the accumulated stress, as well as the use of alcohol, negatively affects the offspring. Even if the mother does not tolerate alcoholic beverages, in 75% of cases, doctors diagnosed children conceived by a man after 40, and even drunk, with fetal alcohol syndrome.
This syndrome is a set of mental and physical defects. They are laid in the womb and remain with the child until the end of life. The baby is born with a small weight, reduced head and brain, atrophied facial features – narrow eyes, short nose, flat cheekbones, thin and long upper lip.
Another negative factor for conceiving a child after 40, according to doctors, is the excessive weight of the father. Male obesity provokes the growth of fetal fat cells, causes metabolic deterioration, diabetes and even brain cancer.
Optimally – up to 35
The optimal age for conception, American scientists from Rutgers University called the period up to 35 years. In children born to older men, there is a higher risk of developing intrauterine defects – heart disease and even oncology. Problems can also arise with the psyche. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia – such pathologies often appeared in children whose fathers are older than 35.
According to Gloria Bachmann, one child out of 140 may suffer from schizophrenia if the father’s age is not more than 25 years old. If a man is older than 50 – one out of 47. Another problem for children born to adult fathers is autism. But its etiology is still not completely clear. Research only shows that between 30 and 40 a man’s chances of conceiving an autistic child are minimal.
Live to graduation
Russian doctors note another important aspect. Young fathers are more likely to raise and put children on their feet. According to psychologist Dmitry Ershov, short life expectancy among men leads to the fact that those who decide to have a child after 50 risk leaving underage orphans. In addition, a child whose father looks like a grandfather often sets in the company of peers who have “normal dads”.
“Horror stories” that you can not postpone the birth of children in retirement, have good reasons. Every year, “breakdowns” accumulate in the body, to which external negative factors are added – ecology, stress, alcoholism. Of course, at 35, no one thinks about problems with joints or oncology. But doctors remind: with age, “sores” do not become less. The burden of caring for parents falls on the children. But it is hardly possible to demand full-fledged help from a first-grader.
However, all studies emphasize that the age limit cannot be strictly adhered to. Each case must be considered individually, because the chances of conceiving a healthy child in a 50-year-old man leading a healthy lifestyle are many times higher than in a young alcoholic.