Egyptian artist Khaled Selim said, in an exclusive statement to Al-Fan, that he is preparing to release new single-style songs in the coming period, which are part of the events of his new movie “In the Heart”, pointing out that its events take place in a romantic framework and he finished filming it some time ago, but he is waiting. susceptible.
Selim added that among the songs of the film is a duet that brings him together with the Syrian actress Nisreen Tafesh, which will surprise the audience for the first time, and co-starring alongside him, Menna Fadali, Sawsan Badr, Muhammad Ezz, Hala Fakher, Nisreen Tafesh, Tony Maher, Engy. Kiwan, Karim Srour, and the work is directed by Marks.
It is worth noting that Khaled Selim is currently participating in the “Hekayat Al Mamiz Group” starring Islam Jamal, Dina Fouad, Firas Saeed, Intisar, Hazem Samir, Wahba Abdel Ghani, Hajjaj Abdel Azim and Nourhan, and a number of other actors, and it is directed by Ahmed Saleh.