Directed by Adoor Gopalakrishnan, the government’s fundraiser to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Swayamvaram. According to the order of the local department, the panchayats of Pathanamthitta district should pay Rs 5000 each.
The government had earlier decided to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Swayamvaram in a grand manner. An organizing committee was also formed for this purpose. The organizing committee sought permission from the government to collect the money.
The order of the local department is giving permission for this.
According to the order, 53 panchayats of Pathanamthitta district should give 5000 each to the organizing committee. The event will be held in Adoor in March.
Swayamvaram This movie was released in 1972. Swayamvaram is also the second film to win the National Award for Best Film. Swayamvaram is considered to be the film that started the new wave cinema in Malayalam. The cinematography of this film was done by Mankata Ravivarma.