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Muscle Cramps, Affecting Factors and Tips to Overcome Them

TEMPO.CO, JakartaCharley horse another term cramp condition muscles. Conditions when the muscles suddenly tense up by themselves and can’t relax. Muscle cramps are most often experienced in the legs and feet.

Collect WebMDeven though it hurts a lot, hug muscle is not a dangerous condition. This condition usually lasts for a few seconds or minutes. Muscle cramps most often occur when someone finishes exercising. But not only that, muscle cramps are also caused by many things.

Causes of muscle cramps

Muscle cramps arise for many reasons. To quote Medical News Today, some possible causes are:

1. Leg cramps at night stem from strenuous daytime activities, along with an electrolyte imbalance

2. Weight gain, impaired blood flow, and peripheral nerve pressure cause muscle cramps during pregnancy.

3. Neurological changes, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances cause cramps during or after exercise, especially in the arms or legs.

Baca: Side Abdominal Cramps: Causes and Tips to Prevent Them

Muscle cramps are also due to several other factors, namely:

1. Elderly

Leg cramps at night affect about 37 percent of people over the age of 60.

2. Pregnancy

Muscle cramps affect pregnant women, especially at night.

3. Kidney failure

Serious illness conditions such as kidney failure are also prone to experiencing muscle cramps, especially in the legs.

4. Diabetes

About 60 percent of people who have type 1 diabetes experience muscle cramps. Meanwhile, people with type 2 diabetes, the number increased by about 80 percent.

Relieves muscle cramps

Collect Healthline, muscle cramps can be reduced the risk with massage and stretching for relaxation. The massage presses on the cramped part to reduce pain. You can try using both thumbs to press gradually until the pain goes away.

If leg crampsTo relieve pain, you can do some stretching, namely:

  • Stand up
  • Stepping the leg that is not experiencing muscle cramps forward
  • Straighten the back leg that is experiencing the cramp and step forward
  • Stand on your toes for a few seconds to stretch your calf muscles

Baca: Get to know Cramps during Pregnancy, Types and Treatments

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