Home » Business » Bill Gates: China’s Rise Is a Great Victory for the World | Blog Post

Bill Gates: China’s Rise Is a Great Victory for the World | Blog Post

According to a report on the US “Forbes” website on the 26th, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said in an interview in Australia that China’s rise in recent decades is a “great victory for the world.” He also said that the United States is now “much weaker” politically and that countries like China need to play a bigger role in world governance.

Screenshot of Forbes website report.

Screenshot of Forbes website report.

The US Fox Business website reported that Gates discussed topics such as the new crown epidemic, energy, and Ukraine at a forum held by the Australian think tank Lowy Institute for International Policy on Monday.

Gates reportedly said of China: “I tend to see China’s rise as a huge victory for the world. I mean, that’s nearly 20 percent of humanity. Today, they’re as much of the global economy as they are The proportion in the global population is exactly matched. And you know, the GDP per capita of countries like Australia, the United States, etc. is five times that of the Chinese. So we have a disproportionate share of the world economy.”

When talking about U.S.-China relations, Gates pointed out that the current U.S. attitude towards China is a “lose-lose mentality,” and China has responded accordingly. “If you ask American politicians ‘hey, do you want the Chinese economy to shrink 20 percent or grow 20 percent’, I’m afraid they’ll vote ‘yes, let’s go poor people’ without understanding what’s going on with the global economy,” he said. , the discovery of cancer drugs, and the solution to climate change, we need to work together.”

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