With the new generation of its Golden BU disability insurance, LV 1871 is targeting young professionals from the fields of mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology (Mint). Because they benefit from a reduction in contributions. For example, a 25-year-old mathematician (single, no children, non-smoker) can take out a BU pension of 1,500 euros for a monthly payment of 37.70 euros. And a 30-year-old electrical engineer (married, one child, non-smoker) receives a BU pension of 1,800 euros for a monthly contribution of 56.50 euros.
In addition to the reduction in contributions, the Golden BU offers a simplified risk assessment up to a monthly BU pension of 1,500 euros – for numerous Mint professions up to 2,000 euros. The simplified risk assessment is then available up to the age of 35, with normal height and weight and even for smokers. The customer receives the confirmation immediately after the risk questions have been answered. And with the so-called career guarantee, a later BU pension of up to 7,400 euros is possible. In addition, employees in mint jobs receive reintegration assistance; there is a reorganization aid for the self-employed.