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USA: A Rabbi Tricks His Faithful By Using ChatGPT To Write His Speech

“I thought that we rabbis would be among the last to be threatened in our functions by artificial intelligence”

ChatGPT is definitely capable of generating any type of content. The faithful of a Jewish community learned this the hard way, when they discovered that the speech delivered by their rabbi had been written entirely by the chatbot.

Rabbi Joshua Franklin, invited to speak at a ceremony in a community center in the Hamptons on Long Island, thus evoked the passage of Genesis recounting the moment when Joseph, viceroy of Egypt, found his brothers who had sold him into slavery after many years. “Despite the hardships he endured, Joseph was able to find in his heart the ability to forgive his brothers for their past wrongdoings. By demonstrating both openness and vulnerability, he was able to heal old wounds and create more meaningful connections with them,” the rabbi said.


After finishing his speech, Joshua Franklin confessed that he was not the author. He then asked his followers to find the identity of the latter, but without success. The rabbi then revealed the pot-aux-roses, telling his audience that this mysterious editor was none other than the chatbot ChatGPT. “I had instructed this artificial intelligence to write a sermon of about 1000 words in the style of a rabbi, relating the Torah section Vayigach to the idea of ​​intimacy and vulnerability, while quoting Brene Brown (an American social science researcher known for working on the notion of vulnerability, editor’s note)”, he said.

As the audience applauded for his trickery, the rabbi said he was “deathly scared”

As the audience applauded him for his trickery, the rabbi said he was “deathly scared.” “I thought that we rabbis would be among the last to be threatened in our functions by artificial intelligence,” he lamented, while promising, after this experience, never to have recourse to such a robot again. to write his speeches.

The ChatGPT conversational robot, developed by OpenAI and made available to the general public in November, never ceases to amaze with its performance. The teaching community is thinking in particular about its response while cases of cheating are increasing, with students using it in particular to write their homework for them.

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