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Become a sponsor now! – EWU Baden-Württemberg eV

📣 Become a sponsor now 📣

With more than 2,000 members, the state association of Baden-Württemberg is the largest association in EMU. In the LV BaWü alone, around 20 tournaments with many thousands of starts are organized every year, in which both tournament beginners and professionals get their money’s worth. The highlight of the year is the Baden-Württemberg state championship with over 30 championship titles and the award for the best young horses 🎉

All this is only possible thanks to our great sponsors, who support us every year with a lot of commitment, loyalty and passion and thus promote western riding! 🖤💛

Also this year we have sponsoring places to allocate. Our sponsoring offer is divided into three different models:

⭐️ Package-Basic
⭐️ Premium-Package
⭐️ Exclusive Package

We have the right package for private individuals and small companies as well as for large established companies to support our state association and western riding and to secure an extensive advertising platform.

ℹ️ Currently we still have unlimited places in the basic package.

Furthermore, we are looking for two new exclusive sponsoring partners in addition to our loyal exclusive sponsor @michaela_wieland_bemer_partner . Become the namesake of the popular “high price disciplines” at our state championship and secure your own personal advertising slot with many other highlights! ⭐️

👉 We keep a waiting list for our premium package, all places are already taken at the moment.

➡️ Would you like to support the Baden-Württemberg state association and would you like more information about our sponsorship packages? Our sponsoring concept contains all information as well as a detailed overview of services:

💡 https://badenwuerttemberg.ewu-bund.com/wp-content/uploads/sponsoringkonzept-2023.pdf

📧 Our contact persons Stefanie Kuhn and Vanessa Beck are happy to answer any questions and provide further information: sponsoring@ewu-badenwuerttemberg.de

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