The Syrian actress and star of Bab Al-Hara, who played a beautiful role in the famous Damascene series, Dana Jabr, shared with her followers and fans through a social networking site, several photos in which Jabr appeared sexy and semi-nude and was shown. Many of her charms, prompting the public to liken her look to that of the controversial Syrian artist, Angie Khoury. And the show artist, Sama Al-Masry, who was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of immorality and theater from two Arab countries, starting from Lebanon, to the Emirates, to Syria, because of her scandalous appearance and sexy style on social media. The media.
The audience attacked the star of the famous Bab Al-Har series, given that she is one of the first-class artists in the Syrian drama, and she does not need a scandalous appearance to stir up controversy or gain fame.
Jabr had worked with many artistic personalities at the beginning of her artistic career by joining the family of the Bab Al-Hara series in its third and fourth parts alongside Abbas Al-Nouri, Sabah Al-Jazaery Abu Essam and Qaida Um Essam. Haret al-Dabaa in the 2009 and 2008 Ramadan season, and she also participated in the Sabaya series and in a lot of comedy Spotlight Panel, according to Arabs Today.