– I’m going to be cursed at the Minister of Health. She is in power. She can do anything, said actress Lise Fjeldstad (83) when she guested on the programme News morning on NRK on Tuesday.
Fjeldstad is one of many who have been outraged by the documentary program Brennpunkt, where NRK has uncovered objectionable conditions in the home care service, where patients have not received the care they need.
– I am shocked. When I saw it, I was completely numb. It was so without hope, it was so without warmth. It was so freezing cold. There was a brutality in it, a contempt for humanity. You can’t just sit back and look at it, said Fjeldstad, who also lashed out at the Minister of Health:
– She stands with a smile and says we have to reduce expenses, we have to prioritize away, we have to prioritize down. Get rid of maternity wards, mental health… it won’t work! She has an opportunity to save money if she just gives in to this development of the new hospital here in Oslo. Nobody wants that, says Fjeldstad.
The latter is a reference to the plan to close Ullevål hospital in Oslo and build two new hospitals, a plan the government supports.
Kjerkol: – Taking it seriously
Now Kjerkol is responding to the strong criticism.
– I share the commitment to good care for the elderly and take seriously the fact that there are variations between our municipalities. The stories that come to light are confirmation that not all places are good enough today. There is a need for improvement in current care for the elderly, she states in a written response to NTB.
The Minister of Health advocates that the municipalities must take action locally, but also says that the state must contribute. She says it is crucial that the employees have the right skills, and that the individual has enough colleagues.
– We have put forward a separate escalation plan for full-time and good staffing in the care service. The plan will help ensure enough professionals with the right skills in the care service, she says.
– What thoughts do you have about what has come to light on NRK?
– The stories in Brennpunkt make an impression. Patients and users have a right to necessary and sound health and care services from the municipality, says Kjerkol.
(The matter continues below the picture)
– Terrified
In Nyhetsmorgen, Fjeldstad, who currently lives alone and fends for herself, said that she is “terrified” of becoming dependent on public care.
– I think that a lot of old people are terribly afraid, when you also see how inhumane it is. I feel sorry for the health workers. Because they have so little time. They must achieve so much in such a short time, said Fjeldstad.
When asked what has gone wrong when older people express that they are “terrified” of becoming dependent on public care, Kjerkol replies:
– I don’t think there is a simple answer to that. I am concerned that we must look ahead and find solutions.
And further:
– Together with the municipalities, we will work for an equal offer across the country. There are 356 municipalities in Norway. They have different demographics and different types of services. What they all have in common is that they must and must deal with the fact that we are getting older.
Have more plans
The Minister of Health refers to several projects that have already been started. The report from the Health Personnel Commission will soon arrive, which will point to changes that could reduce part-time use.
– In the summer, we will present our elderly reform which will, among other things, strengthen the home service and at the same time establish a separate residential elderly program so that we can better meet the changes in society going forward. Our ambition is to make it safe for the elderly to live at home for as long as they wish, says Kjerkol.
But she is also clear that not everything can be solved at people’s homes.
– If the only offer that can cover the need for necessary and proper health and care services is a place in a nursing home, then you have the right to a place in a nursing home, she states.