The Public Prosecution Service is demanding fifteen years in prison and TBS with compulsory treatment against a Limburg couple who humiliated and sexually abused seven babysitters. At the court in Den Bosch, the public prosecutor spoke of “a series of monstrous facts”.
The victims are between one and six years old and come from the Eindhoven region. The first girl to be abused was six years old and told her mother about it at the end of 2019.
The court previously called the images of the sexual abuse “shocking”. According to the judge, there was “a compelling, coarse and rough tone of the woman” and the distress, fear and sadness of the children was visible.
“It is a case that makes the hairs on the back of the neck stand up. A disgusting sex case that does not seem to be more horrific,” says the public prosecutor.
Sexual fantasies about children, bdsm and nazism
Suspects Nancy D. and Peter S. met each other in early 2018 through a dating site. The 54-year-old woman and 59-year-old man both have sexual fantasies about bdsm, Nazism and children, among other things. They point to each other as the one who took the initiative.
In 2019, D. offered himself as a babysitter through a mediation site. The children the woman cared for were brutally humiliated and raped. In total, the woman would have abused children at least twenty times. S. watched live at those moments via a video connection and instructed D. what to do. In addition, D. made videos for S. when he could not watch.
According to the court, it is not yet clear how many victims will remember the abuse and whether they will be harmed by it.