Home » News » Why did the ancient Arabs venerate the month of Rajab?.. “Al-Za’aq” answers – Video • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Why did the ancient Arabs venerate the month of Rajab?.. “Al-Za’aq” answers – Video • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Khaled bin Saleh Al-Zaaq, a weather analyst, said that the seventh month of the month of the Arab “Hijri” year is called Rajab, and Rajab is taken from Rajoub, meaning glorification, as the Arabs used to glorify this month.

Al-Zaaq added: “The most revered tribes for this month are the Mudar tribe, and for this reason it is called Rajab Mudar.”

And he continued: “It is one of the sacred months, the four” Muharram, Rajab, Dhu al-Qi’dah and Dhu al-Hijjah, “and these are the months in which the Arabs are forbidden to fight except in self-defense and the homeland.”

And he continued: “The most famous day for the generation of good people 1-7, as it is the date of birth of most Saudis, for decades, as they share the day and the month and differ in the year.”

And he concluded: “Rajab for this year, its first text is February, and February is the Rabat section, and the second half of it is scorpions, and if the scorpions enter, you will see goodness approaching.”

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