– Orange is a fruit that has a good source of vitamin C for the body. It turns out that oranges are also good for consumption for those of you who want to lose weight alias diet. Because oranges can help speed up metabolism when fat is burned.
Oranges have a lot of nutritional content, in 140 grams of orange there are 66 calories, 1.3 grams of protein, 86% water, 2.8 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, 0.2 grams of fat, 92% vitamin C, 9% folate, 5% calcium, and 5% potassium. Then in the 140 grams of oranges we consume, we meet the daily requirement of vitamin C as much as 92%.
The following benefit oranges for the diet that we have summarized from various sources:
1. High in vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in citrus fruit can function the body works well while helping to lose weight.
2. Like fiber
The white fibers in oranges also contain pectin, which is fiber to bind excess fat and improve digestion. If you are losing weight, it is better to eat whole citrus fruits to increase satiety.
Citrus fruits, which are consumed whole or processed into juice without added sugar, contain a good amount of fiber while keeping you full longer.
3. Low in calories
Oranges are known as low-calorie but nutrient-dense fruits, so they are good for consumption to complement daily nutritional needs. This sweet and slightly sour fruit only provides 47 calories per 100 grams.
The following types of oranges can be consumed to help your diet:
Referring to the Medical News Today page, there are many types of oranges for consumption when on a diet, including navel oranges, mandarin oranges, cara cara oranges, blood oranges, Valencia oranges, Seville oranges, jaffa oranges, limes and lemons.