A teenager from Malaysia, Irfan Musa suddenly went viral after sharing a video on TikTok that he admitted that he only had one testicle left due to decay in his genital area.
At first, Irfan, who liked to exercise, was about to run while throwing bullets, when he started to feel pain in the area around his genitals.
The 17-year-old teenager frequently experienced pain in his genital area and endured the pain for four years because he found the pain often to come and go.
“But because I remember being sick regularly, it will go away after a while, so I don’t go to the clinic for examination,” explained Irfan, quoted from Mstar.
Generally, when you want to urinate, the pain comes even to the point of bleeding. Since then, Irfan finally decided to go to the clinic for an initial check.
However, doctors still don’t know for sure what causes the pain that Irfan has been feeling all this time. The doctor also advised Irfan to return to check at the hospital if complaints were felt again.
“He (the doctor) only said that if he gets sick again, he has to come to the clinic. But I let it go, if the pain comes, I will sleep, when I wake up it’s okay (good),” said Irfan.
Apart from that, another reason that prevented Irfan from going to see a doctor was his fear of needles.
Irfan ventured to the hospital after accidentally kicking his privates while playing with his friends.
“After being kicked, it was very painful. I went to the hospital in the school bus and was admitted to the emergency unit at the Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital in Muar Johor,” said Irfan.
“The doctor did an ultrasound check. If you look at it, it turns out that my left testicle was knotted (testicular torsion). The doctor said it was rotten because I let it go for four years,” said Irfan.
Diagnosed by a doctor, Irfan has testicular torsion, a condition in which the testicles or testicles are twisted, causing severe pain in the testicles. As a result, blood flow to the testes stops. If left untreated, it can damage testicular cells.
Despite feeling such great fear when doing the surgical process. Irfan’s operation went well, it took three weeks of post-operative recovery.
Currently he only has one testicle, because his left testicle was removed because it was damaged. However, Irfan is grateful because according to the doctor, his reproductive system is still functioning normally.
“Go to the doctor for initial treatment steps before it’s too late,” ordered Irfan.
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[Gambas:Video 20detik]