Home » Health » Keep your mouth healthy. Use tongue scrapers to remove bacteria and improve taste

Keep your mouth healthy. Use tongue scrapers to remove bacteria and improve taste

Most of us are familiar with the recommendations for maintaining a healthy mouth. These include brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day, flossing once a day, using mouthwash to help kill excess bacteria, and visiting your dentist every six months for routine check-ups. Tongue scraper Facilitate better oral hygiene? Here’s everything you need to know, according to what was published by the site.healthnews“.

What are tongue scrapers?

A tongue scraper is a small tool used to remove debris and bacteria from the surface of your tongue. Tongue scrapers come in different shapes and sizes.

Benefits of using a tongue scraper

Tongue scraping is designed to help remove harmful debris that builds up on the surface of your tongue. This debris can be a buildup of bacteria, food, and dead cells. Over time, this debris can affect the health of your mouth. Using a tongue scraper to remove this buildup can provide the following benefits:

Reduce bad breath

The tongue is covered in small, finger-like projections called papillae. The papillae are known to house most of the odor-causing bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria hidden in the papillae produce products called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). These compounds contain sulfur gases that give off an unpleasant odor. When you get rid of bacteria from your tongue, you can reduce the amount VSCs by 75% or more. Scraping the tongue daily prevents this bacteria and debris from building up.

Taste improvement

Removing bacteria and debris from your tongue allows your taste buds to function better. In as little as two weeks of regular scraping, your taste buds can better distinguish bitter, salty, and sour flavors. Thus, improving your general sense of taste.

Get rid of harmful bacteria

Studies show that daily scraping of your tongue helps remove harmful bacteria that can cause bad breath, tooth decay, or gum problems. Therefore, regular tongue scraping helps prevent bacterial overgrowth. This keeps your mouth healthy and disease-free.

Improve public health

The bacteria in the mouth travel throughout the body when you swallow. Harmful bacteria in your mouth have been linked to other, more serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, a healthy mouth can help keep the body healthy..

How to use a tongue scraper

It is very easy to add a tongue scraper to your oral care routine. First, make sure you brush and floss as usual before you begin. Then follow these simple steps:

Get out your tongue .

Place the tongue scraper as far away from the tongue as possible.

Apply gentle pressure on the scraper. If it hurts, relieve pressure.

Pull the scraper toward the tip of the tongue in a smooth, steady forward motion.

Rinse the scraper with water.

Repeat these steps 2-3 times or until you remove the white layer from the tongue.

Rinse your mouth with water or rinse your mouth.

Clean the tongue scraper when you’re done and let it dry .

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