Family turn Ferry Irawan who spoke before the media crew. They straightened out a number of things related to the alleged domestic violence case against Venna Melinda.
Ferry Irawan is known to be a suspect on a report from his wife, Venna Melinda, on suspicion of domestic violence. He is currently detained at the East Java Regional Police.
Maya, as the younger sister of Ferry Irawan, said that her mother had tried to communicate with Venna Melinda after the alleged domestic violence case emerged. However, the effort was in vain.
“My mother tried to communicate, but was not picked up by those who said she was a victim,” Maya said at a press conference in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta.
Not only her mother, Maya also tried to contact Venna Melinda. However, his brother-in-law was said to have not responded at all.
“I also didn’t respond to WhatsApp, even though I had read it. At that time, I was confused, why was this, what had happened or what had been done. I thought that if there was a commotion, it would definitely exist in every household,” explained Maya.
On the other hand, it was suspected that Venna Melinda had closed herself off to the Ferry Irawan family.
Ferry Irawan’s family was very surprised when Venna Melinda finally reported the matter to the police.
“Yes, it was as if he had closed himself off, there was no communication. All of a sudden he was at the police station,” said Maya.
When given the news about the alleged domestic violence, Maya thought that Ferry Irawan was doing a prank. The family who was first contacted when the case occurred on January 8 was Maya’s husband, Faisal.
“Actually, when the D-Day happened, if I’m not mistaken, it was January 8, the person who was first contacted before me was my husband. I even told my husband that ah, it’s the most prank,” said Maya during a press conference at Cilandak area, South Jakarta.
After receiving news from her husband, Maya was also contacted by Ferry Irawan. Maya said this was done to make her trust Ferry.
“I just said that (prank), but I thought why wasn’t this a prank, because Mas Ferry also called me, ‘This is not a prank, please believe it,’ he said,” said Maya.
The news of alleged domestic violence certainly dealt a blow to Ferry Irawan’s family, especially his mother. As a result of the stress of receiving this news, Ferry Irawan’s mother experienced a ruptured blood vessel in the eye.
“Then maybe stress, can’t eat, sleep, causing the blood vessels to burst,” said Maya.
The family also dismissed the news about Ferry Irawan, who was allegedly living with Venna Melinda, on the next page.