Home » Technology » Nintendo Switch successor coming in 2024, Nikkei reports

Nintendo Switch successor coming in 2024, Nikkei reports

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Article: Alberto Garrido – Gamereactor.cn

The Nintendo Switch is just two months away from its sixth birthday.Nintendo’s hybrid console is alreadyThe fourth best-selling console of all time(The latest figures show that there are already about 120 million units in households worldwide), and the company estimates it will sell another 20 million in 2023.

However, it is also a fact that the system lags far behind the needs of today’s software. A console with six-year-old components can barely handle some of the latest versions ported over, and in many cases, it will have graphics limitations or outright sacrifices in quality and performance. But if the latest news from Japan is anything to go by, all of these may have an expiration date.

Japanese websiteNikkei(passReddit) published an article today in which they report that Nintendo is already in talks with component suppliers to begin production of the Nintendo Switch successor, which is expected to go on sale in mid-2024. A claim that Nintendo has yet to confirm at the time of writing, but a partnership with Digital Foundryrecent statementunanimous.

While we’ve discussed the Nintendo Switch 2 in the pastThe rumored Tegra239 wafer in, but the article did not disclose the component partners of Nintendo’s new console.What seems clear is that if released in the middle of next year, it will make The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom a major hit in the Nintendo Switch lifecycle.last major versionprovided that Mario has no final say in the matter.

This article and pictures are authorized by Gamereactor, the original textposted here

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