Home » Business » Luxury trips financed with fraud – ooe.ORF.at

Luxury trips financed with fraud – ooe.ORF.at


The Linz police investigated a 17-year-old boy who is said to have financed luxury trips through fraud. According to investigators, he caused damage of tens of thousands of euros.

The young man flew to Miami in the south of the USA three times, he traveled to Hamburg three times – according to investigators, the 17-year-old was doing quite well with the money stolen from his victims. In order to get the money, the apprentice is said to have used various tricks. He offered high-quality mobile phones on online platforms – buyers transferred the requested money twelve times, but never received a mobile phone.

Scammed credit with fake passport

The 17-year-old is said to have obtained a loan of 18,000 euros from a bank with a fake passport. However, he did not succeed in another attempt for a loan of 24,000 euros. In addition, according to the police, he is said to have set up a total of five different accounts with several banks, the framework of which he used up to the limit.

51,000 euros damage

Overall, the young man is said to have caused damage of 51,000 euros. After several injured parties had filed a complaint, criminalists were able to investigate the 17-year-old. He shows up and is reported.

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