Jakarta –
tactical vehicle (rantis) nudged the motorbike that the mother and child were riding on Purwakarta. The motorbike fell, the mother run over by the Kostrad raid. After being rushed to the hospital, the mother died.
“After being taken to the Bayu Asih Hospital and handled by the emergency room doctor, at around 12.10 WIB Siti Masitoh was declared dead,” Head of the Indonesian Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Hamim Tohari told detikcomThursday (19/1/2023).
The accident occurred on Jl Raya Veteran, in front of the Usman Kebon Kolot Gas Station, Nagrikaler Village, Wednesday (18/1/2023) yesterday, at 09.40 WIB. The mother who was the victim of the accident was named Siti Masitoh (42), who carried her son Raymond Faeyza Albasry (4) as a passenger. Siti Masitoh was run over by a Rantis Komodo type REV vehicle from the Unit Ynarmed 9/1/1 Kostrad driven by Private AA.
“He hit the motorbike driven by Siti Masitoh who was carrying his son, Raymond Faeyza Albasry (4), so he fell and his hip was crushed by the rantis’ left rear tire,” said Hamim Tohari.
This accident occurred when the convoy was carrying out a radio communication test application for the Ciater Subang Tea Plantation FindArt application. This accident is being investigated by Subdenpom III/3-4 Purwakarta and Purwakarta Police.
“The TNI AD leadership expresses deep condolences to the victims and their families for this incident and has been handled by Subdenpom III/3-4 Purwakarta and Purwakarta Police to carry out the investigation process,” said Hamim Tohari.
Yonarmed 9/1/1 Kostrad and Pratu AA personally met the victim’s family to express their condolences and help the victim’s family and the funeral procession for the late Siti Masitoh.
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