Home » Technology » Aldi customer makes a suggestion that could help millions of customers – even discounters celebrate the idea

Aldi customer makes a suggestion that could help millions of customers – even discounters celebrate the idea

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Aldi: Little trick, big help – an Aldi customer makes a suggestion to the discounter that could help millions of people. The answer is not long in coming:

  • An Aldi customer has a brilliant idea and makes a suggestion to the discounter on Facebook.
  • The imaginative man addresses a problem that affects millions of other customers.
  • Aldi reacts only a little later – and is enthusiastic.

Food – shopping lists are as much a part of bulk shopping as a chip is part of a car. How else are you supposed to remember everything when you’re shopping for the whole week or the rest of the family with all their special requests? According to a survey by the Federal Association of the German Food Trade, three out of four Germans think about what they need when making a large purchase.

While only every fifth person uses an app to write down the goods they need, a full 84 percent of Germans still write a shopping list in the traditional way. So does Aldi customer Fabian. The Facebook user probably has the same problem as tens of millions of other customers – and makes an ingenious suggestion to the discounter by post at Aldi Süd. The discounter giant reacts immediately, as reported by HEIDELBERG24.

company Aldi
head office Essen
founding 1946
founder Karl Albrecht, Theo Albrecht

Aldi Süd: Customer makes a useful suggestion for shopping lists

“Huhu Aldi, here’s a small suggestion for improvement: can you attach a clip to the car so that customers can attach their shopping list to it?” writes the Aldi customer in the Aldi Süd Facebook community column.

He also explains why that would be helpful in many ways: “Then you would have your hands free and you could always keep an eye on your shopping.And indeed: the Aldi customer is lucky, the discounter reacts immediately – and is pleased with the suggestion.

The Aldi customer’s Facebook post (screenshot). © Screenshot Facebook Aldi Süd

After the customer’s request, Aldi Süd’s Facebook team responded: “Hello Fabian, that would be really useful,” comments Robin from the discounter’s social media team. It also says that the shopping list idea will be passed on within the company. Recently, another photo of Aldi triggered outrage on the Internet. The recording showed a completely overcrowded Aldi branch * – and that in times of the Corona crisis. The discounter itself reacted in horror.

Customer makes a suggestion to Aldi – discounter encourages further ideas

Possibly surprised by the quick and positive reaction from Aldi Süd, the customer immediately tries the next idea – which again has something to do with shopping lists, but with digital ones. More precisely: the Aldi app, with which you can create a shopping list on your cell phone.

“Hi Robin, then another tip,” writes the Aldi customer and adds: “The app has the shopping list. It would be super practical if you could sort the list according to the range of products. This means that the products are sorted according to the route in the branch. Then you save yourself the back and forth in the store.” The Aldi team is also happy about this idea and assures them that they will also pass it on internally.

Just recently, another Facebook user caused headaches on Aldi Süd’s Facebook page after posting a photo of two identical items, but with a small but subtle difference. Here, too, the discounter reacts immediately and solves the puzzle.

Aldi Süd: Customer has an idea for a shopping list holder – users are surprised

Some Facebook users take the Aldi customer’s post as an opportunity to criticize the discounter: “If ALDI then buys the car where Kaufland buys it, there is the practical feature for attaching the shopping list‘ is one of the comments.

Another user agrees: “This idea has been around at other supermarkets for 10 years”. Other users even give precise examples of which supermarkets and discounters have been offering this for a long time.

Even if the reactions weren’t quite as violent as in another post at Aldi about surgical masks, the discounter probably didn’t expect this kind of feedback, because the social media team didn’t react to the answers from the other users . (rob)

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