Home » Entertainment » Splashy Dikta Allegedly Subjected to Sexual Harassment, This Is the Reason the Testicles Are Sensitive When Squeezed

Splashy Dikta Allegedly Subjected to Sexual Harassment, This Is the Reason the Testicles Are Sensitive When Squeezed


Musician Pradikta Wicaksono, also known as Dikta, allegedly experienced sexual harassment after performing at the Sarinah Pavilion, Central Jakarta, Saturday (14/1/2023). In the video circulating on social media, Dikta looks in pain that covers his vital area when he enters a restaurant. It was said that Dikta’s vitals were squeezed by his fans.

“This is a clearer version, I’m really sorry for Dikta’s lato-lato, it’s so painful… It’s so barbaric for people nowadays,” tweeted one of the account owners @Ohohmaribros.

Until now there has been no response from Dikta regarding the viral video on social media.

Why are the Testicles So Sensitive?

The testicles are a very sensitive male vital organ and have an important role for male fertility. The testicles or commonly called the testicles function to produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The testicles are known to be sensitive because these organs are planted with thousands of sensory nerves, which are more than any other part of the body.

Quoted from Mental Floss, when the testicles are kicked or squeezed, this collection of nociceptors activates simultaneously to send waves of pain signals to the brain. Then the brain responds to this signal by releasing chemicals that trigger physical pain, which makes a person react quickly to the impact, be it by curling up in pain or screaming.

The testicles are not like other parts of the human body which are protected by a layer of muscle to cartilage. This vital tool is right outside the body cavity so it is very vulnerable to physical impact that directly hits it. Therefore, the testicles need special attention because they are prone to injury.

In addition, urologist and director of sexual medicine Sandiego, Dr Irwin Goldstein said the testicles are very sensitive to touch, so that too much pressure on the testicles can cause fainting.

“Testicular pain is referred to the lower abdomen, mesenteric plexus, and causes men to stop suddenly from what they are doing, lie down on the ground, close their eyes, and bend their knees,” said Dr. Goldstein, quoted from Gizmodo, Wednesday (18/1 /2023).

A person can experience sudden cardiac arrest due to pain caused by squeezing the testicles.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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