On Tuesday evening, the police in Agder confirmed that the man who was retrieved from the water in Arendal on Tuesday afternoon has died.
The person lived in Arendal. Relatives have been notified and are being looked after.
The emergency services rushed to the scene of the accident at Saltrød in Arendal at around 2pm on Tuesday.
A little later, operations manager for the police in Agder, Lars Hyberg, was able to say that a person had been retrieved from the water by divers from the fire service.
– Life-saving first aid is carried out on the spot, said the operations manager at the time.
When the diver was taken by ambulance to the hospital in Arendal, life-saving first aid was still in progress.
Dive while another sat on land
The accident happened when the man was out recreational diving with another person, who was sitting on land.
It was the person on land who reported that the diver had had problems in the water.
– Divers from the fire service found the person under water on the outside of a wharf, Hyberg told NRK earlier on Tuesday.
The police will continue the investigation to determine the cause of the incident.