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What can happen to your skin if you drink coffee daily

We know very well that fast food and alcohol have a negative effect on our skin. The opposite is true for foods such as spinach, oily fish and blueberries. But under which category should we coffee actually scissors?

Stress response

We won’t make it prettier than it is: there are many benefits to stopping your trusty cup of coffee. The caffeine in this can wreak havoc on your hormones and trigger the production of cortisol—yes, that stress hormone. And we all know what stress can do with your skin.

For many, coffee is a panacea to make you more alert and it is also a drink that stimulates the taste buds. And contrary to popular belief, moderate caffeine consumption can, according to a nutritionist Ruthie Mosser also have a positive effect on your skin.

Positive effect

“Natural caffeine found in coffee, chocolate and tea contains a variety of compounds that act as antioxidants,” Mosseri explains. The Thirty. “Antioxidants prevent aging of our cells, inflammation and oxidative damage. It can protect our nerves, improve cognitive function and support heart health. As a result, it can also be beneficial for your skin as they improve blood circulation.”

Although it does not mean that you can drink coffee to your heart’s content, certainly not on an empty stomach. Exactly how many coffees you can drink depends a bit on yourself. As long as you don’t become dependent on you daily dose, says Mosseri. “And also keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic. So make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated – which is also crucial for your skin.”

Caffeine acne

Some are convinced that coffee can make acne worse. “Although there is no evidence yet that caffeine is a direct cause of acne, it can certainly have an effect on your nervous system,” says holistic esthetician Sophia Ruiz. She continues that not everyone can have caffeine right, and one can fight or flightresponse in the nervous system. That reaction can affect the skin again, which can increase the risk of acne. The beautician also sees that clients’ skin calms down when they stop drinking coffee. Although that may also have to do with the fact that they consume less dairy products, which many people sometimes drink with a cup of coffee.

Bron: The Thirty | Beeld: Gian Cescon (Unsplash)

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