Thousands of teachers from all over Portugal marched through the streets of Lisbon on Saturday 14 January. All are calling for better working conditions and higher wages.
Protesters marched along Avenida Liberdade carrying signs that read, among other things; “Enough”, “Respect” and “Fighting is also teaching”, at a time when the government is proposing to change the mechanism for teacher recruitment and mobility.
“I earn 1,100 euros and I pay 400 euros to go to work. It’s impossible“, summarized a participant from Lixa, in the north. In Portugal, inflation reached an average of 7.8% in 2022, the highest level in thirty years.
A series of partial strikes in December has already led to the closure of several schools. From Monday January 16, the main teachers’ union (FENPROF) called for a period of rotating strikes by region, starting with Lisbon. He wants a national demonstration to take place on February 11.
They are also protesting against a reform project which provides for a “decentralization” of the teacher recruitment process, with greater autonomy granted to schools.