On June 9, the Secretary of Health, Dr. Jorge Alcocer, reported on the first actions that the health sector had carried out after the passage of hurricane Agathain terms of consultations, dental care, disease detection, epidemiological control and vaccination, in addition to the Emergency Drug Supply Plan.
And then it was reported the integration of a survey of a census of infrastructure requirements and equipment in 145 affected units, of the 31 municipalities. Let me report on the progress of that action plan.
To date, 196 million pesos, 196.8 million pesos, have been allocated for the rehabilitation, maintenance and equipment of these affected units.
Of this total, the Insabi is executing 92 million pesos for the rehabilitation of 4 hospitalsthe Community Hospital of San Pedro Huamelula, the General Hospital of San Pedro Pochutla, the Health Center with Expanded Services, also of San Pedro Pochutla and the Community Hospital of Santa María Huatulco.
On behalf of Social Security, a total of 33 million pesos have been executed for the rehabilitation and maintenance of 5 units, the Subzona General Hospital here in Huatulco, the Family Medicine Units of Pochutla, Puerto Escondido and Pinotepa Nacional and the General Hospital of Zone number 2 in Salina Cruz, in addition to the rehabilitation of administrative facilities in the Subdelegation that provide care to the public here in Huatulco.
On the part of the IMSS-Welfare there have been 71 million 600 thousand pesos for rehabilitations and equipment of medical units that are in the process of federalization for the IMSS-Welfare.
As can be seen, of the total resources, 133 million pesos are for infrastructure and 63 for equipment. Allow me a brief detail of these actions.
On the part of Insabi, 15 million pesos were allocated in the San Pedro Huamelula Hospital, this work has an advance of 23 percent, it is about rehabilitation, removal, patching and painting works on exterior walls and maintenance of electrical installations, hydropneumatic equipment, installation and repair of hydraulic leaks and waterproofing.
In the next one at the Hospital de San Pedro Pochutla, in addition to the aforementioned works, which are part of this plan, the caulking of fissures, primary application in tile on the roof, all the dismantling of the soffit of drywall, casting of log grease traps and removal and application of waterproofing.
In this case, in San Pedro Pochutla it is an investment of 13 million pesos that has an advance of 29 percent. The next one, at CESA, the Health Center with Expanded Services, also in San Pedro Pochutla, the works have assigned 7 million pesos, they have a 37 percent progress and the Community Hospital of Santa María Huatulco is an investment of 9 million pesos, which has a construction progress of 35 percent.
On the other hand, for the rehabilitation of the General Hospital of Puerto Escondido, a total of 9 million 100 thousand pesos was invested and the progress of the work is 85 percent. The Maternal and Child Hospital, also CESA, in Santiago Astata had an investment of a total of 22 million 800 thousand pesos, with a work progress of 40 percent that also consists of waterproofing, rehabilitation of plumbing networks, reconstruction of concrete slabs, dismantling of tile floors, as well as exterior and interior flattening.
In this case there was also an intervention for the electrical installation and the projection of the voice and data systems. And finally, the Hospital de Especialidades de la Mujer in Juchitán de Zaragoza, which we were with Governor Salomón Jara, with the teacher Juan Ferrer on December 28, was improved with the teacher Juan Ferrer on December 28. As is known, it is a hospital that operated by the Secretary of National Defense for the care of patients by COVID-19. you
It has an allocation of 15 million pesos for the final part, it is already a hospital that has operated, but it requires some investments that are already being made and that are 15 percent complete. They are above all the construction of a wastewater treatment plant, the expansion of the cistern, in addition to the replacement of the waterproofing and the rehabilitation of the plumbing network.