Home » Health » Pain in these 5 parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol, be aware

Pain in these 5 parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol, be aware


Pain in several parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol. These symptoms should not be ignored because cholesterol can cause health problems. Photos/Getty Images

JAKARTA pain in some parts of the body can be high cholesterol symptoms . These symptoms should not be ignored cholesterol can cause serious health problems such as strokes and heart attacks.

Although high cholesterol often asymptomatic, some warning signs may appear after plaque builds up in the arteries. One of the signs of this process can strike in five parts of the body.

Once the arteries hold too much plaque, they become hard and stiff. This condition will begin to affect blood flow, with the feet being the first area of ​​the body to feel symptoms.

Impaired blood flow to the legs can sometimes lead to a common condition known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The first symptom of PAD is usually an uncomfortable sensation known as intermittent claudication.

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Claudication describes muscle pain that occurs with activity and stops when you rest. In some cases, the pain becomes so intense that it begins to interfere with activities such as walking.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the five areas where intermittent claudication can affect are the calves, thighs, buttocks, hips, or feet. This area can be painful, sore, uncomfortable or tired and you may also experience muscle spasms or cramps.

While these five areas are most likely to be targeted, shoulders, biceps, and forearms can also feel sore. But this is less common. As claudication progresses, the pain may become more severe and be evident even when you are resting.

Reporting from Express, Sunday (15/1/2023) apart from pain in these five parts of the body, PAD can cause other signs. Here are some of them.

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1. Burning or aching pain in the feet and toes at rest, especially at night when lying on your back
2. Cold skin on the feet
3. Redness or other discoloration of the skin
4. Infection more often
5. Foot and leg wounds that don’t heal.

Unfortunately, PAD doesn’t always cause many real symptoms that are hard to identify. That is, the most effective way to determine cholesterol levels is through a blood test.


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