Broccoli is healthy; However, you’d rather not find unwanted animals in vegetables, as is the case with this TikTok video.
Whether vegetarian, vegan or health-conscious: Broccoli is a popular vegetable that scores with a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K and folic acid. It is good to wash broccoli well before eating it, because sometimes parasites can be found on green cabbage, such as a Tick tock-User had to notice in a video with horror.
Keep an eye out when shopping for veggies: Woman finds ‘extra protein’ in broccoli
In a salad or with a sauce: Anyone who has eaten raw broccoli should watch the following video. The short clip shows a Swede arranging broccoli florets on a plate. The camera finally zooms in on the vegetables and you can see little animals that look like cockroaches. The animals are probably lice, whose infestation went unnoticed during picking and packing at the supermarket.
If you don’t want to get free protein with your veggies, it’s best to wash and blanch your veggies before eating them to make sure any animals are killed off. If you buy frozen produce, there may still be animals in the broccoli, but they’re no longer alive.
The video has been viewed nearly ten million times and the Tick tock-Users are visibly shocked:
- “I will never eat broccoli again, ever again!”
- “These are the vitamins”
- “I’ve always hated broccoli and have never eaten it”
- “And I had broccoli for dinner first 😫”