The police revealed a number of facts related to the mutilation case Angela Hindriati (54). To suspect, M Ecky Listianto (54)secretly bought Angela’s apartment in June 2019.
Angela is known to have an apartment in Kuningan, South Jakarta. Angela and Ecky are known to have met via a gardening forum in 2018 and were in a relationship in June 2021.
“Bought by Ecky in June, 2019,” Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Unit IV Subdirectorate Tommy Haryono told reporters on Tuesday (10/1/2023).
According to Tommy, Angela offered the apartment to Ecky for purchase. The apartment changed ownership to Ecky in February 2021.
“In 2018 they met, in 2019 they were offered an apartment by Angela, in 2019 there was a contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment. Subsequently, in February 2021, the court decision confirmed that the owner of the Taman Rasuna Said’s apartment was Ecky,” he said.
After selling her apartment, Angela moved out. She moved to Jakarta and Salatiga.
Angela was murdered in November 2021
The name of the woman who was mutilated in Tambun, Bekasi Regency, West Java is known Angela Hindriati (54). Police say Angela was killed a year ago.
“The murder is suspected to have occurred in November 2021,” Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi said when contacted detik comFriday (6/1).
Hengki said that, during that time, the victim’s body was stored in the offender’s rented house, which was the scene where the body was found. It is known that the victim’s body was placed in 2 boxes of containers.
“And for a period of about 1 year and 1 month, the bodies were kept at the TKP (the suspect’s guesthouse) which the suspect often used even when he wasn’t at his home,” he explained.
Read on next page: Angela is reported missing….