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Purworejo man dies of electrocution while connecting to electrical system


A worker in Purworejo, Central Java was electrocuted while making a new connection to an electrical system. The victim died on the ceiling of the house with one hand still holding the electrical cord.

The victim was Haryanto (42), a resident of Clapar village, Bagelen district, Purworejo regency. The man died of electrocution while making a new connection to the electrical system in the house owned by Suci Kurniasari (35), a resident of RT 02/RW 01, Cangkreplor village, Purworejo district, on Sunday (8/1) evening.

“Yes, he was electrocuted when he fixed the electricity,” homeowner Suci Kurniasari said when met at the site, reportedly detik JatengMonday (9/1/2023).

Suci explained that the victim’s wife, Yeni (36), worked as a domestic assistant at Suci’s home. Since the victim had often repaired the electricity when there was a problem, the victim was summoned to make a new connection to the plant to turn on the rice heater.

“Initially, the kitchen light was solid because it was off and then it was gone. Then I told him to make a new connection for the magic com. I asked him to connect it directly through the plug on the side of the refrigerator, but he wanted to make a new connection, so I just obeyed how good he was anyway I’m used to fix electricity,” he said.

“Then when I was outside suddenly Mas Har yelled, his wife also heard because his wife was in the house. He called from below and was silent. Then someone checked to see if the ceiling was down,” he continued.

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