A heinous crime terrorized an Egyptian village Sunday morning when a young man butchered his wife, separated her head from her body, sent the head to her family, then took a selfie next to the corpse and asked the media to come and take pictures with him.
In details, Tira village which is affiliated with Nabaruh town in Dakahlia Governorate in northern Egypt witnessed the horrible crime when a young man named Hamada Al-Agouz slaughtered his wife and sent the his head to his family .
Major General Marwan Habib, director of security in Dakahlia, received a notification from villagers alleging that a husband had butchered his wife and had taken pictures next to the body and sent them to his family. When they searched to capture him, he threatened to slaughter his children.
A security force moved to the scene of the incident, where it was discovered that the husband, Hamada Al-Agouz, was sitting next to his wife’s decapitated body and speaking live on his Facebook page, and when investigating officers searched to arrest him, he grabbed his three sons and threatened to slaughter them.
It turned out that disputes arose between the husband and his wife, called (ZIF, 26 years old), as a result of which he was forced to slaughter her, while it turned out that the couple had been married for 9 years.
Preliminary investigations revealed that there are permanent disputes between husband and wife, and the differences occurred between them two years ago and they separated, but the reconciliation happened between them two weeks ago and the wife went back to her husband’s house to slaughter her this morning and represent her corpse.
The detectives managed to catch the accused, control him and save the children.
A report was drawn up on the incident and the Public Prosecutor’s Office was notified of the start of the investigation.