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Participation and award ceremony: German City Day

A joint publication of the German Association of Towns, the Association of German Architects BDA, the Association of German Master Builders, Architects and Engineers BDB, the Association of German Interior Architects BDIA, the Association of German Landscape Architects bdla , Federal Chamber of Architects BAK, Federal Chamber of Engineers BIngK, Association of German Associations of Architects and Engineers DAI, Vereinigung Freelance Architects in Germany VfA, Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning SRL

Citizen participation in planning and construction projects is an essential prerequisite for sustainable and integrated urban development. It can improve the quality and acceptance of projects. In recent years, innovative and diverse participatory processes have been established in planning projects in the fields of architecture, urban planning and civil engineering. The attached guidelines respond to the many requests to further develop participation in the assignment of design services.

In terms of loyal cooperation and high-quality building culture, the participation should be designed in accordance with the “Public Procurement Ordinance (VgV)” and the “Guidelines for planning contests (RPW)”.

It is our concern to provide a nationally uniform framework for municipalities and the planning professions for lawful participation in procurement procedures with the guidelines. For this purpose, possible variants of the existing regulatory framework are explained and participation limits are also named.

We would be delighted if the guide would support you in your daily work.

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