KOMPAS. com – Aiptu ARA member of Satsabhara Polres Pamekasan, Madura, East Java (East Java), was arrested by Propam of East Java Regional Police for alleged sexual assault and pornography, on Tuesday (3/1/2023).
He was reported by his own wife, MH (41), to Propam of the East Java Regional Police because he was believed to be engaging in sexually deviant behaviour.
East Java Regional Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Pol Dirmanto also confirmed that his party had arrested Aiptu AR.
As of Friday (01/06/2023), Dirmanto said, Aiptu AR is currently still undergoing further examination at a special place (Patsus) in the East Java Regional Police propam camp.
“Yes, we will see what the results will be. If anything else is found, it can be followed up later,” Dirmato said, quoted by Tribunnews.com on Saturday (7/1/2023).
Chronology of events
Aiptu AR was denounced by his wife, MH (41), because she was no longer able to accept her husband’s deviant behavior related to sexual violence, immoral acts and pornography.
Initially, MH sent a Community Complaint Service Letter (Yanduan) which was received by the East Java Regional Police Propam.
In his complaint, MH also said that Aiptu AR had allowed him to have relationships with other people, namely fellow AR police officers.
He suspects that Aiptu AR deliberately sold his body to his police colleagues.
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It happened for 5 years
MH lawyer Yolies Yongki Nata said that her client had reported the incident to the Pamekasan Police in 2020. However, at that time, the party undergoing legal process was not the main plaintiff, namely Aiptu AR.