Japan shocked by covid deaths. 456 covid deaths have been reported in the country in just one day. This is the highest number of deaths recorded in a single day. Since Thursday, 2,45,542 cases of Covid have been reported. 20,720 cases in Tokyo alone. 53 people in critical condition due to covid have been admitted to a Tokyo hospital.
In December 2022, 7,688 deaths from Covid were reported. Officials said the eighth wave is now in Japan and the spread of Covid has been soaring since November. In the last three months of 2021, there were 16 times more deaths than the number of deaths due to Covid-19 in the same period last year.
40.8% of those who died from August 31 to December 27 last year were over 80 years old. 34.7% are over 90 and 17% are over 70. Officials said 92.4% of the total number of deaths were in these three age groups.