As a result, the organization must not only refer patients to a mental health provider with a waiting list, according to the TV show One todaybut neither will she be paid the 2 million euros that BuurtzorgT declared more than agreed.
According to EenVandaag, the client stop applies for this month. “BuurtzorgT focuses mainly on severe psychiatric problems,” says director Bas van Riet Paap. “We are concluding contracts with the health insurers and are unfortunately now in discussions with Zilveren Kruis.”
Previous conversation
Care economist Wim Groot understands Zilveren Kruis’ attitude: “It has been agreed that the budgets will be determined in advance. Then you don’t just approve twice as much as you wouldn’t immediately say that it has become twice as expensive for a renovation of your home. He believes BuurtzorgT should have entered into discussions with Zilveren Kruis earlier.
Ethical discussion
“I understand that a limit has to be set,” says Van Riep Paap from EenVandaag: “But now we are having an ethical discussion. We have the capacity to handle it, but Zilveren Kruis says, “Just leave people on the waiting list.” It seems strange for practitioners, but also for those who pay the premium. Do we find it acceptable?”