The Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel (ba Wolfenbüttel) is organizing the conference from 13 to 15 January 2023:
Or: Ensuring the future livability of theaters (also) from above
A conference for decision-makers and activists: what leadership do theaters of the future need and how do we find it in the present?
The cooperation partners are the Dramaturgy Network, the Ensemble Network, the German Stage Association, the Cultural and Political Society, the Fair Stage, the Dramaturgical Society and the GDBA. There will be keynote speeches, panels and table talks on the historical background of the management model, the role of cultural policy, forward-looking organizational forms, models of participation oriented towards diversity and contemporary appointments to selection committees. Attached is an information sheet on the conference (attachment). A handout to find the direction of the drama network, which was developed in spring 2022, can be found at the link .
Registration for the event is already possible on the website of the ba Wolfenbüttel at the following link:
The detailed conference program will be published shortly.
The German Association of Cities is a supporter of this conference and we would appreciate your interest.