The story of a 18 kg anorexic 10-year-old daughter is revealed in “My Baby Like Gold”.
Channel A’s entertainment program ‘Parenting these days – my golden child’, which airs on the 6th, tells the story of ‘a 10-year-old daughter who suddenly became anorexic and weighed 18kg’.
On this day, a couple raising a 10-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son appear in the studio. The couple, who appeared with gloomy expressions, expressed their concerns, saying, “The amount of food that the gold tooth has suddenly eaten has decreased, and the weight has started to drop rapidly.” As a result, the gold tooth’s health deteriorated so much that both the primary school teacher mother and the gold tooth could not go to school. Soon after, a scene of a skinny gold tooth lying in a hospital bed is revealed and the mood turns more serious.
In the preview video, you can see a gold tooth eating alone at a family dinner. The family continues to watch the gold tooth during mealtimes. At her mother’s request, she tries to wet her lips with a hospital-prescribed nutritional drink, but the gold tooth quickly wipes her mouth, saying “no.” A golden spine that rejects even a water-like ray of sunshine. In response, the mother relates the shocking fact: “The golden tooth hasn’t eaten anything for two days…”.
In the following video, the gold tooth is seen changing clothes with his mother. As they change out of their tops, they can see their slim back that makes their spine stand out, and the speakers can’t help but feel sorry for the shocking look. Then, the gold tooth stepped on the scales and weighed. The weight of the gold tooth is 18.5 kg, just over half the average weight of a 10-year-old girl of 32.4 kg. Despite being extremely underweight, the gold tooth shows the reaction: “I hope it continues like this.” Oh Eun-young, who shouted “urgent stop” here, analyzes, saying, “I still have a thin body, but I have a distorted anxiety that if I get fat, it will be a big deal,” and diagnoses her with anorexia.
On the other hand, a suspicious scene is captured in the appearance of the gold side family eating. Upon seeing this, the studio is immediately engulfed in fear. Oh Eun-young, who hasn’t been able to speak with a serious expression for a long time, left a word, “It’s just… so strange.”
iMBC Seunghun Baek | Photo courtesy of Canale A
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