As long as you pay off the loan, nobody at the bank will care about that bullshit. I don’t think 100€ changes anything in basic accessibility…
Such a small amount won’t make your bank nervous. My husband changed jobs and as a result he was earning almost €400 less a month. The bank accepted it without a murmur. As long as the installment is and can be paid, nothing will happen.
However, if both borrowers suddenly become unemployed, the bank must at least leave open the possibility of a re-evaluation (that’s how I see it as a layman).
In a nutshell: I see it as MalcomX and also csblack.
Especially as pay slips for the last 3-6 months must be presented before the loan is approved. After the loan is approved, no one asks for paychecks anymore, right?
Oh, it’s not signed yet…
Experience has shown that banks are sometimes very cautious when it comes to counting income.
They only credited my wife with the basic salary without services, even though for a year it was around €800/month…
The bank won’t care at all, even if they both no longer have jobs. As long as the debit from the reference account works, everything is fine for the bank .