The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Chiapas this week restarted the booster vaccination against COVID-19 for people over the age of 18 with organic Abdala. The requirements to get the vaccine are to have a minimum of four months since the last application and present a voter ID.
In the case of the IMSS in Chiapas, the vaccination will be carried out in the General Hospitals of the Zone (HGZ) of Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Tapachula, in the General Hospitals of the Sub-Zone with Family Medicine (HGSZ/MF) of Tonalá and Huixtla, as well as in the Units Family Physicians (UMF) no. 13, no. 23 and no. 25 of Tuxtla Gutiérrez; No. 01; No. 11 of Tapachula; no. 16 of Arriaga; no. 14 of Pujiltic; no. 18 of Comitan; No. 24 of Cintalapa; n° 34 of Villaflores; No. 43 of Pichucalco and No. 45 of Palenque.
In addition to the Rural Hospitals of the IMSS-BIENESTAR Program of Ocozocoautla, Motozintla, Mapastepec, Bochil, Ocosingo, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Venustiano Carranza, Altamirano and Benemérito de Las Américas and the Rural Medical Unit of La Trinitaria.
It also has vaccination points in Acala, Aldama, Altamirano, Amatan, Angel Albino Deer, Arriaga, Benemeritus of the Americas, Berriozabal, Bochil, Carranza, Catazaja, Chalchihuitan, Chamula, Chanal, Chenalho, Chiapa de Deer, Chilon, Cintalapa, Comitan , Copainala, The Forest, The Vineyard, Hidalgo Border, Huitiupan, Huixtan, Huixtla, The Independence, Ixhuatan, Ixtacomitan, Jiquipilas, Jitotol, Juarez, La Concordia, La Trinitaria, Larrainzar, The Daisies, The Roses, Mapastepec, Mazatan , Mitontic and Mitonic.
Also, in Ocosingo, Ocozocoautla, Ostuacan, Oxchuc, Palenque, Pantepec, Pichucalco, Pijijiapan, New Town, Pujiltic, Rayon, Reform, Water Jump, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, San Fernando, San Juan Cancuc, San Quintin, Santiago El Pinar , Simojovel, Sitala, Socoltenango, Suchiapa, Suchiate, Tapachula, Tapilula, Tenejapa, Teopisca, Tila, Tonala, Trinitaria, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Tzimol, Villacorzo, Villaflores, Yajalon and Montecristo de Guerrero.