He’s been coming to the country for weeks see an increase in Covid cases when you thought everything was under control. The virus that has engulfed the world keep infecting people and from Health authorities recommend booster vaccinations.
The director of the Schestakow hospital in San Rafael, Fabián Morareferring to the current situation disease in your ward and recognized that reality is different from Great Mendoza.
“The vaccine we have right now is Modernait’s good and inside it is the Omicron strain, this bivalent vaccine that gives us greater protection, it is important to give booster doses“, he indicated.
At the moment, There are 7 hospitalized patients in the San Rafael hospitalof which 3 have two placed doses and the rest none.
Covid in numbers
Mora spoke of number of Covid cases in San Rafael and declared it neither infections nor hospitalizations have increased in quantity.
“The same values always float, last Wednesday we had the maximum number of cases in one day which was 25we maintain and believe that in a month there will be an increase due to the visit of tourists, It is important to clarify that a Covid patient is different from a person who died of Covid”, said the executive.
For last, Mora said necessary care must be maintained to avoid getting infected or infecting other people. “Now only people with specific symptoms are tested, nothing more“, hill.