Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease and other negative effects on the body, but quitting will give your body a chance to renew itself, so how long does it take to get rid of all the effects of smoking?
20 minutes after the last cigarette, heart rate decreases
Quitting smoking is about breaking the cycle of addiction and essentially rewiring the brain to stop craving nicotine.
to achieve success.
Smokers who want to quit need to create a plan to overcome cravings and triggers.
The benefits of quitting smoking begin less than an hour after your last cigarette.
It goes without saying that the sooner a smoker stops smoking, the lower their risk of developing cancer, heart and lung disease, and other smoking-related conditions.
In the midst of this turmoil, how long does it take to get rid of everything The effects of smoking؟
Extinguish a cigarette eStop smoking Today before tomorrow, blessed are the slogans we hear everywhere, but how long does it take for the body to free itself from the effects of smoking and the dangers it entails?
And the American Cancer Society has explained the stages that the body goes through after quitting smoking, according to the site “Fetbook” and the magazine “Focus”.
Says Dr. Rehab Fatayerji Al-Mayadeen Net “Smoking increases the number of nicotine receptors in the brain. When you stop smoking, those receptors continue to expect nicotine, and when they don’t get it, they start to adapt.”
“This adaptation process is what causes both craving and withdrawal, and overcoming withdrawal symptoms and cravings is a determining factor in whether or not you can quit smoking,” he adds.
Some of the symptoms you may experience with withdrawal include:
Desire for cigarettes and food.
– Headache.
Difficulty concentrating
– Nervousness and anxiety.
“Most people trying to quit will start feeling better after about a week. In terms of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, this average applies to all types of smokers. Heavy and light, so you shouldn’t fall into the trap of think it’s too late.” To think about quitting smoking.” Dr. Fatayerji.
The first day after the last cigarette
20 minutes after the last cigarette, heart rate and blood pressure level decrease, while the level of carbon monoxide in the blood that comes from nicotine decreases after 8 hours.
Once 24 hours have passed, the risk of a heart attack drops dramatically.
some days later
The senses of taste and smell deteriorate due to smoking, but these two senses return to normal within two days of quitting smoking.
3 months later
After 2 or 3 months, the lungs recover somewhat. And here you notice a difference in the breathing process, especially during sports.
9 months later
The cough and shortness of breath subside after the sinuses become more visible than they often were during the smoking period.
5 years later
During this time, the risk of having a stroke is reduced by half.
10 years later
Ten years after quitting smoking, the risk of fatal lung cancer is cut in half. The same is true for the risk of cancers of the trachea, oesophagus, kidney, pancreas and mouth.
15 years later
15 years after you quit smoking, your body is in the same position it was in before your first cigarette.