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Heart attacks are common in winter.. 7 tips to protect your heart

Cold is one of the most Health concerns However, a change in temperature can have unpredictable effects on your health, especially your heart, putting that into perspective. In view, it’s important to understand why and ways we can protect our hearts during this time, and here are the reasons why. which heart attacks are more common in winter and how we can prevent them, according to what was published by “ndtv”.

Are heart attacks more common in winter?

Blood vessels constrict in response to cold. As a result, it can also increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Coronary artery constriction in winter can exacerbate angina or chest pain caused by coronary artery disease.

Your heart works harder to maintain a normal body temperature when it’s cold outside. As winter winds force your body to lose heat faster, coronary arteries can narrow due to high blood pressure, which can reduce the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the heart and its muscles. The result could be a heart attack. Compared to summer, when we sweat more, our blood volume is also higher, while in winter hypertension is due to the fact that the body retains more fluids.

In general, the cold also affects people’s behavior. Weight gain and decreased exercise are two examples. Both of these factors increase the likelihood of complications that can lead to a heart attack. Also, people may eat more food, which exacerbates the overweight problem.

Decreasing the amount of sun exposure is another important effect. This reduced sun exposure can lead to a vitamin D deficiency because people spend more time indoors or because some areas get less sunlight. Much research has examined the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disorders. While there is no evidence to support this, taking vitamin D may be indirectly linked to a reduction in heart problems.

How to keep your heart healthy in winter

As with most diseases, there are preventive measures that can help reduce the risk of the disease, just as some corrective and preventive measures can help reduce the risk of a heart attack in the winter.

Follow these steps to improve heart health:

Avoid fried, fatty or sugary foods

or that are high in cholesterol as they can increase the chances of heart disease. If you are prone to cold temperatures, be sure to dress in enough layers to keep your body warm.

Maintain physical activity during the winter

Although it seems difficult, the exercise does not have to be done outdoors. You can exercise at home by doing yoga, dance, light aerobics, home exercises or meditation, regular exercise helps you keep fit and keep your body warm.

Monitor closely for medical issues such as kidney, blood vessel, and blood pressure problems

If these diseases are not treated, they increase the risk of heart disease.

Quit smoking because it increases your risk of heart problems.

Eat warm foods in cold weather to keep your body warm

It is advisable to stay indoors on cold days if you suffer from heart problems to avoid sudden cold snaps. Keep these tips in mind if you want to maintain a healthy heart during the winter season and beyond.

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