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Five habits to prevent diabetes

URBANBOGOR.COM – Illness diabetes or diabetes in medical science to be pathology requiring lifelong care. Therefore, it is important to do this habit good effort for to prevent from now.

This, as stated by the charity Diabetes UK, reminded of the importance of awareness to adjust lifestyle, including diet, in order to reduce the risk pathology diabetes this with a few simple steps.

As reported by www.urbanbogor.com from the Healthline website, habit in lifestyle changes made consistently can reduce the risk of blood sugar so that it can to prevent pathology diabetes about 50 percent by taking simple preventative measures.

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Also, here are five habit well, it can be trusted to prevent emergency pathology diabetes:

1. Maintain weight

A larger waist circumference may indicate fat buildup around internal organs which will cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes the insulin you produce to not work properly and cause your blood sugar levels to rise.

Healthy food consumption

“Research shows how our overall diet affects our risk of developing type 2 diabetes,” said Diabetes UK.

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