New Year’s Eve – Frankfurt am Main:Festive atmosphere in Frankfurt long before midnight
Directly from the dpa news channel
Frankfurt am Main (dpa/lhe) – Traditionally, many Frankfurt residents, but also visitors from neighboring cities, gather on the banks of the Main on New Year’s Eve to welcome in the new year, preferably on one of the bridges over the Main. On Saturday, however, many people were in a party mood much earlier. With spring temperatures, hundreds of people sat and lingered in the bars and cafés of the old town, on the Römerberg and on the Main. The mulled wine stalls that were still there were left behind, because around 16 degrees a cool summer drink seemed more suitable for the last day of the year.
For the first time since the start of the corona pandemic, there have been no regulations restricting contacts in the main metropolis and fireworks are also widely permitted. Special regulations applied to the safety area, which was again set up at the pedestrian bridge “Eiserner Steg”, including the two bridgeheads in front. It was forbidden to carry and light fireworks here to avoid injury to crowded people.
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