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“I could also say that the PSdeG could apologize to me”

Sees “surprising” that Formoso is willing to hand over the candidacy for the Xunta to Besteiro, which he considers another “internal crisis” of the PSdeG

The general secretary of the PPdeG, Paula Prado, responded this Friday to the various socialist accusations asking for apologies and attributing to the popular candidate for mayor of Lugo, Elena Candia, some anonymous writings that led to the indictment of the former leader of the PSdeG and ex president of the Provincial Council of Lugo José Ramón Gómez Besteiro in Operation Octopus.

Asked about it in her usual press conference on Friday, the ‘number two’ of the PpdeG recalled the “political persecutions” she suffered and “many political officials” of both parties. Prado was accused of the Pokémon operation, also on behalf of Judge Pilar de Lara, who was removed due to continued undue delays, although in 2015 the case was dismissed.

“I could tell you many things firsthand about the court operations and like me about many political officials who suffered political persecution by all forces at that time. I could also say that the Socialist Party could apologize to me. And the BNG. But I think we have to look forward,” he replied.

In this context, Paula Prado said she was “happy” that these judicial decisions which affected not only Besteiro, but also other leaders of both the PSdeG and the PPdeG, “have already been pronounced”. “Justice, if it’s slow, isn’t justice, and that’s important for all the people who might be in a lawsuit,” she mused.

In any case, regarding Besteiro’s possible return to the frontline of politics, also as a candidate for the Xunta, as various socialist voices underline, the ‘number two’ of the Galician Popular Party believes that it means opening “another internal crisis” in the PSdeG.

And it is that he sees “surprising” how the socialist general secretary, Valentín González Formoso, who “has been in office for 12 months”, wants to hand over the candidacy “at the first opportunity he gets”. “The chair burns him,” he said.


For this Prado has asked that the socialists stop “taking care so much of their internal struggles and begin to deal with the real problems of the Galicians”.

“Whoever comes out” of the PSdeG primaries to choose his candidate for the Xunta, the general secretary of the PPdeG asks him to “look at Galicia and stop being a transmission belt for the government of Pedro Sánchez, which is mistreating Galicia so much and so many hurtful decisions he’s making.”

Along these lines, Prado asked ministers visiting the Community to bring “solutions” in the field of industry and European funds, among other things, instead of “insulting the Galicians, the PPdeG and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

“For this, they should all have a choral voice and not as we constantly see that they are immersed in internal problems that do no good for Galicia,” he condemned.

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