Region. The Goslar Police Inspectorate is using two photographs to search for Friedrich Suhr, born in Hanover on June 27, 1951. The convicted criminal was hospitalized for the last time in a nursing home from which he was not supposed to leave. Which reports police in coordination with the Prosecutor of Celle in a press release.
The wanted person, who was under surveillance, was sentenced to four years in prison in a ruling by the Lüneburg Regional Court in 2009 for particularly serious theft and illegal carrying of a firearm. In addition, placement in an addiction treatment center and remand placement were ordered. In February 2021, the Göttingen Regional Court suspended the execution of further remand placements on probation.
The convict was ordered to live and stay in a treatment center in Clausthal-Zellerfeld and not to change it without the consent of the authorities, and to report regularly to his probation officer. In August of this year, after a hike, he did not return to the nursing home and cut off contact with the authorities. The competent regional court in Göttingen then issued a pre-trial detention order against the wanted person.
Do not address the person you are looking for
The whereabouts of the suspect could not be determined within the scope of the search measures carried out. Suspect is approximately 1.80 meters tall, has a lean build, short graying hair, and likely has a beard or stubble. You are asked not to speak to the wanted person if you meet and to inform the police immediately. Goslar Police will receive information on the whereabouts of the wanted person by calling 05321/339-0.