After the Covid-19 process, the National Ministry of Culture and the National Theater Institute have implemented support lines to reactivate theatrical activity throughout the country and in the province of Corrientes, through the Provincial Representation of the National Institute of Theater, in charge of Jorge Frete, this year has achieved more than 250 performances.
During the year 2022, the second stage of Plan Argentina Florece Teatral e le Teatrine, a federal program of scenic interventions for children, was developed. Corrientes Violeta and Theater for Democracy were implemented for the first time; the IV Edition of the Tell me what you read event ended at the Provincial Book Fair; The action in the interior of the province was accentuated with the 36th Provincial Theater Festival held in Monte Caseros, without neglecting to underline the different lines of help to which existing theatres, groups, concerted casts and independent theater productions have access.
In this regard, Frete expressed: «We know that there is still a lot to do, above all to seduce the public to fill the independent cinemas during their annual seasons, where there are an infinity of workers who bring their technical and artistic knowledge, very modestly, but with the same importance of the artist on stage, there are new rural localities, places and schools that we must reach, training and improvement for artists that this national organization allows us, among other objectives, and we will certainly achieve given the passion and professionalism demonstrated in recent times by Corrientes’ theater performers, technicians and teachers».