Thiruvananthapuram – After the CBI gave a clean response to the solar harassment case, BJP leader AP Abdullahkutty posted a note on Facebook. He is forcefully reiterating his old position that he has not even met the complainant. “My two children are the truth, I’ve never even seen the complainant in my life,” he said. Along with this, the note explains the humiliation and escape that he, his family and his children had to go through. K. Sudhakaran and former DGP TP Senkumar are named in the note. The note concludes by clarifying the things that DYFI attacked.
Full text of the note:
After the CBI gave a clean response to Solar’s harassment complaint, many media friends and channelers called. But I could not answer, sorry. Nothing new to say. Do you remember what I told reporters in Kerala immediately after this complaint? I still have the same sentence to say. “My two children are the truth, I have never even met the complainant in my life” – this was my reply that day. I haven’t bothered to say anything on the subject since.
Now the truth has triumphed and it is a relief. As soon as the news hit the news channels, I tried calling my daughter. This incident happened years ago when she was studying in the third grade. At that time, my family and I were staying at MLA hostel in Thiruvananthapuram. My daughter comes home from school and says the kids make fun of dad in class. As a father, I collapsed in front of my third grade daughter. She insisted that she no longer attend school.
My wife and I are in dire straits. Daughter Tamanna made it a condition to be able to go to a country where there is no news in Malayalam. After thinking about it, my wife and I fled Kerala to Karnataka and Thiruvananthapuram to Mangalore. I remember my mother, wife, children and friends who stood by me when my son, father and husband were mentally broken that day.
Let me tell you some experiences, K. Sudhakaran’s advice was to hide. I asked him, why should I hide when I haven’t done anything wrong? I was convinced I was innocent.
Another accident. DYFI surrounded and attacked me in Kannur. Not only did they shout slogans demanding my resignation, but they physically attacked me. A photo of me lying on the ground wounded in the attack and with my hand bent appeared in the newspapers. The caption read “Don’t kill me.” But you know what I said in my mind was ‘You killed me’. Because I am a normal green man with a wife, children, mother and father. In that case we can be tried before the law. But what can I say except that he killed me when he was humiliated during this trial in the party court. Later, once I met a DYFI leader named Biju Kandakai, I jokingly said, “Insult me, but you can’t finish me politically.”
There was a false statement by this complainant that EP Jayarajan had given me crore rupees and I filed the complaint. Those who make money dishonestly from politics will use it for whatever nefarious work they do. When I remember the present condition of that poor Jayarajan, I feel pity. Not saying to hurt anyone, just sharing some experiences.
Let me tell you another incident. When this complaint came against me, Mr. Senkumar, who was DGP of the prison then, called me immediately. Let me tell you the advice he gave me when he called: “Don’t even file an FIR on this complaint.” There is a strong Supreme Court ruling and there is a directive. The Lalithakumari v/s Government of UP case states that if the complaint is six months old, if the complainant is someone with a criminal record, a quick check should be done before filing the FIR. You should speak to the Minister of the Interior.’ The advice of that good policeman is remembered here. I didn’t even know him personally at the time. But I remember in this context that he good man he is he.
We conclude this post by saying one more thing. There is widespread criticism of the media’s excessive exaggeration of such reports. But my opinion is that the media cannot be completely blamed. It is not only the strength of our democracy. Caesar’s wife must also be above suspicion. Maryada Puroshathaman is the land of Lord Sri Rama. Goddess Sita is also to be suspected. This is Dharma. This is what India has taught us. So when criticism comes against those in public service, it must be proved beyond doubt that the truth ultimately prevails. Relieved.
English summary: Facebook post by AP Abdullakutty on solar rape case