It is among the most common seasonal evils and is often difficult to get rid of. Why does the cough become insistent and how to successfully eradicate it?
Among the typical ailments of winter season we find the cold and the cough. In some cases, the second can prove to be resistant and particularly insistent, to the point of continuing sometimes even for weeks.
This malaise is actually a defense mechanism of our body, which tries to free itself from foreign substances or bodies and manage the mucus that prevents us from breathing normally.
We can talk about chronic cough or acute cough: in the first case it is defined in this way when it lasts more than 8 weeks, while in the second it is when it is less than two months.
The it causes of the chronic one can be disparate, but among the main ones we find respiratory tract infections, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, but also, although not related to the lungs, allergic problems, nose and throat problems, reflux and in some cases even cardiac symptoms. How to fix then the problemin case you find yourself battling with an acute or chronic cough?
Cough: how to behave to be able to make it pass
A continuous cough can also result other physical and psychological symptoms. In fact, the individual may experience pain in the chest, as well as having problems such as insomnia, depression and continuous fatigue. In some cases it can also cause vomiting and esophageal reflux, as well as headaches.
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The advice, in these cases, is to contact one specialist and do more in-depth examinationsto avoid more serious consequences and follow proper care. But if ours is an acute cough, perhaps which has come on together with a cold and which is hard to go away, we can try to relieve and treat the symptoms even with over-the-counter medicines and natural remedies.

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Propolis and honey they can help and relieve its symptoms, as well as i suffixes they can be a good way to help loosen phlegm. There are also mucolytic drugs capable of bringing relief in case of a wet cough, while if it is dry, we can focus on sedative ones.