Home » World » It’s hard to find zero-risk lawmakers under normal conditions, calling for vaccine abolition to allow citizens to flexibly remove their masks

It’s hard to find zero-risk lawmakers under normal conditions, calling for vaccine abolition to allow citizens to flexibly remove their masks

It’s hard to find zero-risk lawmakers under normal conditions, calling for vaccine abolition to allow citizens to flexibly remove their masks

The National Health and Medical Commission adjusted the epidemic prevention and control measures, no longer isolating infected people, canceling the nucleic acid test and centralized isolation of all personnel after entry, and personnel who arrives in China must undergo the nucleic acid test only 48 hours before departure. Congressman Jiang Yuhuan said on a radio program this morning (28) that if everything requires zero risk, it will be difficult for Hong Kong to get out of the epidemic, and the central government’s epidemic prevention and control policy has changed.” He proposed to lift restrictions under Chapter 599 of the disease prevention and control regulation, including the pass for vaccinations and the ban on gatherings.As for the order of the mask, it should be taught rather than mandatory.Yes suggests that the Hong Kong government allow citizens to choose to wear masks in high-risk and public places such as train carriages.

Liang Zichao, a respiratory specialist, believes Hong Kong should require immigrants from the mainland to possess a 48-hour nucleic acid-free certificate to avoid pressure on the local medical system. Since there has been no customs clearance between the two places for three years, the demand is very high. It is expected that there will be a fee in the initial stage of customs clearance. The rest of the agreements still depend on the development of the epidemic situation in the two localities.

He said that the vaccination rate of high-risk groups (an elderly and a young person) in the mainland is not high, and suggested that Hong Kong should respond to the entry of relevant groups of people and maintain the requirement of at least two doses of vaccines As for the second nucleic acid test after entry, it can be canceled. However, he believes that the mainland’s provisions should not be interpreted excessively. The epidemic is still spreading on a large scale. Due to the large territory and large population of the mainland, centralized isolation is difficult to implement and has little specific effect on the epidemic.” On the contrary, Hong Kong should not blindly imitate the mainland. Confirmed cases should actually be isolated. If should the epidemic situation ease in the future, a gradual easing of quarantine measures for close contacts could be considered.”

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