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Weather – Cologne – A small flood floods the banks of the Rhine – panorama

Weather – Cologne:A small flood floods the banks of the Rhine

Directly from the dpa news channel

Cologne (dpa/lnw) – The small flood wave that inundated parts of the Rhine promenade in Cologne is expected to reach its maximum level on Tuesday. The water levels remain far below the values ​​at which there would be danger for inhabited centers or restrictions on navigation. Early Tuesday morning, the Cologne Waterways and Shipping Administration reported a water level of 5.30 meters, which is almost a meter below high water level I, where the first restrictions apply to navigation.

In the course of the afternoon a further drop in the water level is expected in Cologne and Düsseldorf. On the Lower Rhine near Emmerich, experts expected a further drop in values ​​on Wednesday.

In recent days, heavy rainfall has caused the water level in rivers to rise. But it wasn’t dangerous. In August, there was still a historic low tide in the Rhine due to the persistent drought.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:221227-99-24538/2

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